Ahead of the Curve

Friday, June 25, 2010

The John Radcliffe Hospital

After we met the Brooke's College students we had the amazing opportunity of touring The John Radcliffe Hospital. My particular group went on a tour of the pediatric cardiac ward with our Brooke's nursing student Bab, it was a beautiful site to see. The hospital was build about 2 years ago and is up to date with all new technology. This unit has a large playroom for the children as well as a nice relaxing room for the parents if they need a break. Next to every child’s bed there is a little sofa couch for the parents to sleep on since most want to be by their child's side around the clock. I found almost all aspects of this children's hospital to be very similar to the way a children's hospital in California would be set up. I was very surprised to learn that they do not follow any sort of HIPPA regulations. When we walked in all the children's first and last names were placed on the board as well as on their doors. When I asked about the confidentiality Bab said that as long as the parents sign the form then the child’s name can be placed on the board and on their doors. After our tour of the ward Bab took us into the Ronald McDonald House, it was very full so we didn't get to go inside but it was nice to peak through the window! Overall, this was such an amazing experience and I would love to go back to see it again!

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