Ahead of the Curve

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On last Saturday, our "free day" I decided to go to Wimbledon and watch some tennis. I have always wanted to go to a major tennis tournament, and I figured this trip was the perfect opportunity. Not knowing exactly what to do or exactly where to go, I eventually found my way there in the early afternoon. According to the people in the queue (line) early afternoon means very late. I found out that there were no more tickets to the main matches, but only ground tickets to merely get into the park. Despite my disappointment I was so determined to get in, I waited the full 5 hours. Here is a picture of me inside on Wimbledon hill. This is where people who don't have tickets to the main matches sit and watch on the HUGE television screen. I got to see the end of my favorite player, Rafael Nadal, and after, England's favorite Andy Murray play! In my opinion, it was well worth the wait, and a free Saturday well spent!

Boat Trip

Yesterday a group of us went on a boat ride to Abingdon. Although small, it was a pleasant experience. To think that just a 20 minute drive down Abingdon road, you will find yourself in a small, quiet town, that to me, is quite different than Oxford. I was told that the building you see in the picture is belongs to Hertford crewing team. I thought it was interesting that there were so many of these types of buildings along the river. It just shows how different the competitive sports are here, as opposed to home. When we got to Abingdon, me and a few other girls did a little shopping, including some book stores. We all bought a book to read on our way back home. I am glad I went on this trip, I think it was a wonderful experience!

So far a lot of my time has been devoted to refining my group project. Working with the members of my group has been a great experience. I feel that we all bring a different aspect and personality to the atmosphere of the group, but we all possess the drive and dedication to ensure that we perform our presentation to the best of our ability. We're all a little anxious but we're prepared and I have full faith that we'll pull together as a team, as we have been doing from the start, and do a great job tomorrow.

The highlight of week one for me was being able to visit London and see so many historical places that I never dreamed I would be standing right in front of. It is truly a blessing to be able to experience this with other students who can also appreciate the beauty of it all. I was able to see the guards at Buckingham Palace, go into the church at Westminster Abbey, and stand right in front of Big Ben. Touring the Florence Nightingale museum was also an amazing and inspiring experience. I was truly humbled to see what she had to go through and how far nursing has come due to her efforts. I can only hope to touch a fraction of the lives that she's touched by being the best nurse I can be. There were so many beautiful places in London, the architecture and the culture are simply amazing. I was reminded a lot of New York because of the mix of cultures and how busy it was.

Anne Hathaway's House/Shakespear's Birth Place

Sunday we were able to visit Anne Hathaway's house. Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare's wife. It was very cool to see where someone lived back in those days. I loved the thached roof. I had never seen something like that before and thought it was very interesting. We then went to Shakespeare's birth place. Both houses were very old and neat. My favorite of the both places were the gardens. Anne's house had alot of veggies growing along with flowers and Shakespeare's house was a huge garden with many trees. I thought it was a cool idea to visit theses places, I would have never thought to do so on my own. Our tour guide on the bus was very informative as well. He knew so much about the Royality and what goes on. I personally don't know much about the Queen and how things work over here and he was able to explain it very well.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Scavenger Hunt: Task #2

The tube in London is the oldest metro system in the world! It has been around since 1863, way before air conditioners were around! The tube system really is an amazing way to get around, much more efficient than any other form of transportation! Having taken full advantage of the tube system, It is safe to say that it can get pretty warm because there currently isn't any form of air conditioning, except for when the trains come whooshing by you!
This is the inside of the tube station on Goodge St.
Waiting for the Northern Line.

This is the map of all the lines that run throughout the Tube.

Luckily, Next year the tube is set to start running trains with air conditioning to make the ride more comfortable for the passengers! This is really a big development for the underground transportation system in London! The first of these trains is set to start running on the Metropolitan Line, and then next they will be added to the Circle, District, and Hammersmith & City Lines.

This is a Picture of the newly air
conditioned trains coming next

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Isis Farmhouse

This evening we walked down the Isis River about 1/2 mile to this little restaurant called The Isis Farmhouse. It was such a nice and relaxing walk after a long day of working on our project! This restaurant is very unique in the sense that it is only open when they have people to work and the menu changes everyday. The menu for this evening was Lamb Burgers or Vegetable Stew, I personally had the stew and it was very good. The environment is very calm and relaxing, there is seating inside and outside. The restaurant looks like it is family owned and operated, the women taking the orders was dressed in what looked like a colonial day outfit. It was a great experience, defiantly something we don’t get to experience at home.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Warwick Castle

Today we started off at Warwick Castle. This was a great experience because we don't have many castles in the U.S. There were many activities and spots to explore and throughout the entire castle there were actors/actresses to entertain us. The entire setting made the experience much more real, and gave us an idea of how life was like back then. Despite the heat and number of stairs to climb the morning was a success! At the top of the towers you could see some beautiful scenery. There were an abundance of green fields, the river and an overview of the castle to look at. I only wish we had more time to look around and partake in the many activities.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Florence Nightingale Museum

Today we had the privledge to go to The Florence Nightingale Museum in London! It was really a great opportunity to be able to see all the history behind the amazing women who really began the journey to make nursing what it is today! We have learned a lot about Florence Nightingale in school, and it is hard to say if all of us would be where we are today in our nursing program if it weren't for her!

The museum was full of clothing worn by Florence Nightingale, as well as students she taught, and nurses who worked during the Crimean War along side her. It was really interesting to see the medical tools used during that time in history. As well as to be able to hear all the history behind everything.
Various medicine bottles used by Florence Nightingale.
Medical Tools

The lantern thought to be used during Florence Nightingale's time.

Nursing uniform

The John Radcliffe Hospital

After we met the Brooke's College students we had the amazing opportunity of touring The John Radcliffe Hospital. My particular group went on a tour of the pediatric cardiac ward with our Brooke's nursing student Bab, it was a beautiful site to see. The hospital was build about 2 years ago and is up to date with all new technology. This unit has a large playroom for the children as well as a nice relaxing room for the parents if they need a break. Next to every child’s bed there is a little sofa couch for the parents to sleep on since most want to be by their child's side around the clock. I found almost all aspects of this children's hospital to be very similar to the way a children's hospital in California would be set up. I was very surprised to learn that they do not follow any sort of HIPPA regulations. When we walked in all the children's first and last names were placed on the board as well as on their doors. When I asked about the confidentiality Bab said that as long as the parents sign the form then the child’s name can be placed on the board and on their doors. After our tour of the ward Bab took us into the Ronald McDonald House, it was very full so we didn't get to go inside but it was nice to peak through the window! Overall, this was such an amazing experience and I would love to go back to see it again!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Brooks University

The day we got to visit Brooks University was a real experience. We were fortunate enough to have a wonderful professor by the name of Ann who specialized in pediatrics. She gave us a lesson on family and how important it is to be able to establish a trusting relationship with patients. She also made it clear on how to ask the right questions to know who the main support system is. I feel we are very lucky to be given this opportunity to learn from such well educated people. I was not aware of how different the United Kingdom is when it comes to their nursing school. We are the same in a few ways, but very different in many ways as well. We were also given the chance to have a tour of the new children's hospital. It is only 2 years old so it looks fantastic. I think it would be amazing to be able to work at a facility like this one. We got to take a tour through the play room, Ronald McDonald's house, and areas specific for parents to list a few. I really liked how they made it comfortable as possible for parents going through rough times. I am honored that we have been given this opportunity to learn from such a well distinguished school.

What a welcome!

After an anxiously awaited yet exhausting journey the welcoming tea restored all energy and instilled new excitement for this wonderful experience. The honor of being welcomed into such a highly esteemed school and invited to soak in the knowledge and history of the many accomplished faces that surrounded us was an unforgettable experience. The welcome tea helped us to understand the gravity of the opportunity that we are being given and helped us get our minds in the right place to start our educational journey here. Learning about William Tyndale was particularly inspiring and a memory I will take with me forever. It was nice to be a part of something that is very much a part of the culture in England, from the attire to the food, it was definitely a new experience. This first week has been incredible and I am honored to have the opportunity to be here and learn all that I can.
Amber Deane

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Scavenger Hunt: Challenge #1

The Thames Water is the largest water and sewage company in the United Kingdom, serving 13.6 million customers across London and Thames Valley!

Since 1989 they have made great investments to improve the sewage treatment and help to clean up the River Thames. The sewage original sewage system in London no longer has the capactiy to fulfill the cities needs today. Because of this, rain water can fill the sewage system to capacity causing flooding throughout the city. It overflows into The Thames river and the River Lee. Today the company is making advancements to improve the system.

The London Tideway improvements will help to ensure that the large amounts of progress that are being made to clean up the water will not be reversed.

The Thames River is said to benefit greatly from all the improvements being made by the Thames Water! The River Lee (which branches off the Thames River) will also benefit greatly from these improvements.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Submit Photos for a Chance to Win a $25 Gift Card!

In addition to your scavenger hunt photos, West Coast University would love to see photos and videos from the rest of your trip to England!

We're looking for photos and videos that could be used in future advertising for WCU and the Global Issues in Healthcare Symposium. Submit pictures and videos of discussions, classes, speakers, and other Symposium events, as well as photos and videos of your sightseeing adventures. You can upload your submissions at www.westcoastuniversity.net/symposium

If your submission is chosen, you will receive a $25 gift card to American Apparel. You could receive up to $200 in gift cards for your entries.

There's no limit to the number of entries you can submit, so make sure to take a lot of great photos!